You spend time thinking of it, you use your strength, stamina and all that you’ve got...
You wander around searching for a method to make it yours
All the time, you just think for the same thing, wanting it to want you
You pay no attention to other beautiful things around you, except that one thing
You try and try but later; you realize this and let it go.
You turn your face (after all, you can't afford to lose your last breath in such a way)
Suddenly your life changes.
You start paying attention to other things nearby you
You start living life to its fullest
You become more enthusiastic
You start making your loved ones happier
You start attending those sections of life, you had never given a thought before
Now you understand the meaning of care, affection, love and all that stuff
You begin to feel your importance again
You walk half the way back
But suddenly the thing comes back to you,
Now its not you wanting it, its it, wanting you
What would you do?
You would not like to lose this wonderful new life,
Nor would you love to let the thing go, which once you searched for, so badly
What would you do?
Do you have an answer to this???
All endings are not happy
Nor are all sad
Such stories are life changing
I call them experience
And I got one such...
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